The Design Guide (DG) series has been established to
replace material previously issued under the standard
design medium by the Engineering Division, Military
Construction Directorate, Office of the Chief of Engi-
neers, U.S. Army.
DG 1110-3-124
This guide governs the design of Army Arts and Crafts
August 1976
Centers. The objectives of the Army Arts and Crafts Pro-
gram are to provide military personnel and their families
the opportunity to further their interests and knowledge
in the arts and crafts, improve their level of individual
skills, and develop their innate creative abilities; to con-
tribute to the cultural awareness and enhancement of the
military community and support the Army's individual
development programs; to offer a diversified and balanced
program to meet the varied interests and needs of the
military community under differing geographic locations
and duty assignments.
The guide is intended not only to state basic criteria, but
also to provide a means by which the user of the guide can
apply the criteria in individual ways to respond to local
requirements. This guide is applicable to all new construc-
tion projects for Army Arts and Crafts Centers and proj-
Detailed development of this guide was under the direc-
tion of the Special Projects Section, Structures Branch of
the Engineering Division. Major parts of the material com-
tained herein are based on the results of an architectural
services contract with the firm of McLeod Ferrara Ensign.
Washington, D.C. under Contract No. DACA73-73-C-008.
The functional requirements in this guide have been devel-
oped in conjunction with, and approved by, the Recrea-
tion Directorate of the U.S. Army Adjutant General Cen-
ter, (DAAG-RE).
Distribution of this guide is limited. Additional essential
copies are available from the OCE Publications Depot,
890 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22304.
Users are invited to send comments and suggested
improvements to HQDA (DAEN-MCE-A), Washington,
D.C. 20314.
Chief, Engineering Division
Directorate of Military Construction