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DG 1110-3-124
August 1976
2-8 Interior Design
Interior design features must be developed in coordi-
nation with the architectural design. All features of the
building relative to the interior design, whether they are
furnished and installed as part of the construction con-
tract or provided later by the using service, must be devel-
oped as an overall scheme. Graphic design and signage
should be included as part of the overall design to identify
activities and facilitate functional effectiveness. Require-
ments must be coordinated with the using service and the
b. The costs of all items of equipment and furnishing
which are permanently built-in or attached to the struc-
ture, as defined in AR 415-17, are normally considered
part of the construction contract. Other items which are
loose, portable or can be detached from the structure
without tools, are generally provided by the using service
under separate contract. Interior building surfaces, paint
colors, floor coverings, window coverings as required,
graphics and signage will be specified as part of the con-
struction contract in coordination with the overall design.
Furniture must be identified for procurement by others.
Drawings and schedules for items not included in the
construction contract must be provided in a format that
can be readily issued to and be understood by installation
personnel who are responsible for procurement, and per-
sonnel who are responsible for component placement and
utilization after delivery. Display sheets consisting of
placement plans, catalog illustrations, material/color sam-
ples and perspective sketches of typical spaces; together
with procurement Iists, source data and cost estimates
should be developed as appropriate to accomplish this
objective. Clear coordination between these drawings and
schedules, and the finish schedules under the construction
contract must be evident.
Use of color in Army facilities is limited to a practical
number selected from Federal Standard 595A, Colors.
General guidance for color selection is provided in TM
5-807-7, Colors for Buildings. Color shouId be used to
stimulate human physical and emotional reactions and to
enhance the overall functionality of the Arts and Crafts
Center. In critical seeing areas, glare, brilliant colors and
great brightness differences, both in the lighting system
and in the color of walls, floors, furnishings and equip-
ment, should be avoided.
Interior finishes must be appropriate for the designed
function of the building and spaces. Selection of materials
should be based on low maintenance qualities considering
the anticipated use, life-cycle cost impact, fire and other
safety requirements. The color, texture and pattern of
materials should complement the overall design scheme.
Native (local) materials should be used to the greatest