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DG 1110-3-124
August 1976
Landscaping of Arts and Crafts Centers can not only
2-6 Landscape
improve their aesthetlc character but serve other purposes
as well. Landscaping can help create or define outdoor
work areas, direct the flow of traffic, muffle noise and
dirt, screen objectionable views, control sun, wind and
rain, reduce glare and conserve energy. Vegetation adds to
the environmental qualities of an area by controlling
erosion, sustaining wildlife, absorbing carbon monoxide
Landscape planting at military installations should be
designed to minimize maintenance and vandalism as much
as possible. However, planting should not be so minimal
or so protected that it defeats Its functional and aesthetic
Paving materials, planters, benches, and other out-
door furnishings should be selected for durability as well
as texture, scale, shape and color.
d. Desirable plants are those most resilient or defensive
in nature, with tough leaves or bark or fine thorns. Selec-
tions should be made from evergreens and those decidu-
ous trees that blossom in spring, bear foliage in the sum-
mer and change color in the fall to produce continuing
Terraces, walks, walls, outdoor furnishings, ground
cover, and planting contribute to the character of outdoor
space at the Arts and Crafts Center itself and the total
landscaping program of the installation.
Landscape Functions