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DG 1110-3-124
August 1976
To house the arts and crafts program one multiple-
2-2 Arts and
type Arts and Crafts Center is the authorized minimum
requirement for each installation.
Crafts Centers
b. A typical Arts and Crafts Center may be dividied into
four basic functional areas; a shop for woodworking; an
area for photography; a multi-purpose studio for arts and
crafts; and utility and service areas. Variations may be
made in the allocation of space for specific arts and crafts
activities, as long as the total authorized space allowances
are not exceeded. Criteria for the allocation of space with-
in the center is given in Chapter 3.
The Arts and Crafts Center also serves as the Arts and
Crafts Program Administrative Center for an installation.
Branch Arts and Crafts Centers and/or specialized facili-
ties may be authorized for activities such as boat building,
electronics, and woodworking.
d. Since participants will include dependents and re-
tirees, Arts and Crafts Centers must be accessible to and
usable by the physically handicapped. Refer to ER 1110-
1-102, Design for the Physically Handicapped, for guid-
Functional Areas