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DG 1110-3-124
August 1976
Systems building is now much more than the experi-
2-10 Systems
ment it was a few short years ago, and its methods and
materials are readily available throughout the country.
Simply, systems building is the long-overdue application
of modern man's production techniques to the building
process, and is taking on an expanded role in the construc-
tion industry.
b. Systems built facilities are composed of sub-systems
which typically include structural framing systems, light-
ing and ceiling systems, heating, ventilating and air-
conditioning systems, and interior partitioning systems.
The best examples of systems built facilities offer econ-
omy of both time and money committed to construction,
a high degree of quality control, and maximum flexibility
of space.
Building systems selected should be those which are
most economical and suitable based on comparative
cost studies for the buildings.