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DG 1110-3-126
August 1976
3-2 Physical
Most shop areas can be treated as typical industrial
space. Floors should be impervious concrete sloped to
adequate floor drains or gutters with special grease and
sand traps. Wall surfaces should be durable, impervious to
water and grease, and easily washable. The overhead roof
structure can be exposed. A minimum ceiling height of
15 feet is necessary for areas with hydraulic lifts and it is
frequently more economical to provide this headroom
universally throughout the structure. Acoustical materials
on the underside of roofs help to reduce noise to a com-
fortable level. A monorail, with a capacity of not less than
one ton, is very desirable along at least one side of the
shop. This requires reinforcement of the overhead struc-
tural system.
b. Modern automotive shop practice discourages the use
of large numbers of windows. Wall space is at a premium
for functional purposes. Natural light is not a necessity
and the reduction of glazing makes the garage easier to
heat and cool. Utility lines ideally are located exposed
along walls above work counters and equipment where
they can be easily changed or expanded, and where porta-
ble equipment can be easily connected,
The number of overhead vehicle doors depends on
the size and layout of the garage. A high quality heavy
duty door is important; it is recommended that each door
be no less than 12 feet wide by 12 feet high. Residential
type doors which have been installed in many facilities do
not stand up well under the intensive use common to
these garages. Electrically opened doors are preferable if
they can be budgeted. They are essential where the design
limits the number of openings so that the traffic through
them is very heavy. The lower panels of the doors should
be solid with vision panels above for safety. Heavy duty
bumper guards should be used around all vehicle openings
and on exposed wall corners.
d. The classroom is basically an open area and can be
treated as typical instructional space. Floors should be
provided with grease resistant tiles.