Design Guide: Recreation Centers Case Studies January 1976
Problem 7: The Centers lack any meaningful
Problem 6: The exterior design of the building
outside social spaces and recreational areas.
fails to attract people into the Center.
Response: Redecorate: Install plantings around
Response: The solution is to increase the
existing patio to extend it visually. Add new
passerby's awareness of the Center and the
seating areas that use loose paving materials,
activities taking place within. To do so, the
such as gravel and tan bark. Install outdoor
Center's exterior should be made as distinctive
seating arranged in small groups.
and attractive as possible.
Remodel: Based on an analysis of the site and
Redecorate: Landscape site around Center
local climatic conditions, the existing concrete
with plantings. Paint Center with an attractive
patio can be remodeled and enhanced through
and distinctive color scheme. Install signage to
the addition of a terraced outdoor platform,
announce events and activities.
low walls, planters, tree pits, and built-in
Remodel: Develop a landscaped entry court
outdoor benches. Materials other than plain
with trees, benches, and integrated lighting as
concrete, such as brick or stone pavers, exposed
outlined in Chapter 4-8.2.
-aggregate concrete, tan bark, and railroad ties
should be used if local climate and economics
permit. The outside recreational areas should
conform to Chapter 4-8.1 of this design guide.
Figure 6-16 Terrace Redesign
Figure 6-15 Entry Court Redesign