6-1.5.2 Location near club mech-
a n i c a l room is advantageous, so that
pool heater and filtration equip-
m e n t can be placed with other
m e c h a n i c a l equipment.
6 - 1 . 5 . 3 Pool should have a
separate entry from parking area,
a n d also convenient entry to main
club. (1)
6-1.5.4 P o o l location
t o both multi-use and dining rooms
is difficult to arrange in one-
story clubs.
It is generally pre-
f e r a b l e to relate the pool to the
d i n i n g room, w i t h p r o v i s i o n f o r
s n a c k service to a deck adjoining
t h e pool.
Typical activities in
t h e multi-use room, such as bingo
and dances, cannot
pool facility. (2)