a. Project Development
should first be clearly specified. The maximum allowable
space is determined by totalling DOD space authoriza-
tion figures for every facility type included in the Commu-
nity Activity Center project and subtracting the square
footage already utilized in existing buildings to be
The steps involved in the project development process
retained. The authorized square-foot areas are indicated
are represented diagrammatically in figure 3 - 16. As an
in DOD 4270.1-M, and in Chapter 7 of this Design
initial step in this process, the specific functional areas of
the proposed project must be examined in greater depth.
This refinement of the Community Framework is then fol-
The actual space requirements for the major functional
lowed by detailed facility programming and design, as
areas included in the project are developed by reviewing
outlined in Chapters 4 and 5 of this Design Guide. For
the space allocation recommendations (see Chapter 7).
further detailed guidance on the procedures of the pro-
Physical relationships between programs should be con-
ject development process, see TM 5-800-3, Project
Development Brochure.
in Chapter 5. Issues of shared space, combined support
The same participants involved in the Community Frame-
considerable space savings. This, together with an anal-
work planning (such as the masterplanner, MSA and
ysis of the physical characteristics of existing facilities
other provider agencies, and users) are also responsible
that could be reused as part of the project, and the DOD
for the initial steps of the project development process.
space authorization limits, yield the space program
Other participants involved in specific aspects of the pro-
requirements for the project.
posed project, and its programs, may be added to pro-
vide additional input.
Along with the development of the space program, the
Project Summary, Project Development Brochure and
Project development is typically initiated when some new
1391 Form are prepared. A review of the Community
need or capacity to serve arises, for example, a new fis-
Framework as it affects the location of this project should
cal year, mission or population group served, as well as
then take place, and the site decision finalized or modi-
new program and funding sources. The first step in the
fied. Any significant modification will require a review of
process is to articulate the most current needs, based on
the masterplan as described earlier. Following final
a review of the users' affected by the proposed project
approval and inclusion of the project in the budget, facil-
and updated since the time of development of the Com-
ity design and construction can commence. Upon com-
munity Framework. This leads to refinement of the
pletion and occupancy of the building, operation of the
desired activity programs.
Community Activity Center facility and its various pro-
Alternative potentials for the provision of these programs
grams can begin as part of the post's community system.
should be reviewed in order to capitalize on any addi-
tional available resources. This review may show that
some of the desired programs are already adequately
provided, and that some are more appropriate for private
off-post provision. Off-post provision of services involves
a different development process, although the key pro-
gram participants are still responsible for coordination. A
nucleus of programs for Army provision should result
from this review. This in turn provides the functional pro-
gram for the project.
Development of the space program from the function
programs to be accommodated sets the requirements for
the physical design, and simultaneously fulfills the infor-
mation needs of the Project Development Brochure and
DD Form 1391. The functional program requirements
DG 1110-3-142 Page 3-21