Chapter 5
c. Effective Staffing
Increase Coordination. It is far easier for staff to
coordinate programs if they are located in the same
center. In some cases, this may lead to interaction
(1) Increase Staff Accessibility. Community Activity
between the staff and users of one facility with those of
Centers should be designed so that staff are situated in
another. For instance, people using the music facilities in
highly visible and accessible locations in the center of
a center may begin to take an active role in establishing
the facility. Staff are thus more readily accessible to the
a music-oriented collection in the branch library. This is
users. This reinforces the efficiency of centralized staff
overview and control over the multiple activities taking
place (see figure 5 - 3).
Use Versatile Support Staff. Due to the proximity
significant overall staff savings to a post's MSA program.
of different activities within the center, it should be possi-
This will be brought about, in part, by personnel reduc-
ble for CAC staff to oversee and support more than one
tions in centers where similar activities can be super-
activity at a time. Versatile support staff can begin to
vised by fewer staff than would be required for separate
assume more of the general responsibilities for operating
facilities. Administrative and control areas can be cen-
the center, as well as some of the less technical aspects
tralized so that the staff can more easily supervise more
of the specialized programs. Where appropriate, pro-
than one activity. Specialized spaces should be located
gram specialist staff should be cross-trained to supervise
in areas which have easy access and overview from this
many activities throughout the center, not just individual
control area, and should be designed with maximum use
of glass walls to facilitate visibility.
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