Facility Programming
f. Functions
central program area for performances, or a theater,
large music room or multipurpose gym which can serve
this function. In smaller centers, with no large program
Local Centers include mostly Morale Support Activities
space, the lounge/lobby area should be able to accom-
and closely related functions. They may accommodate
modate large group meetings and small performances.
primarily nonspecialized activities or a mix of nonspecial-
ized and specialized, from among the following functional
(2) Arts and Crafts. Local Centers will primarily
areas: (See table 4 - 3 for typical Local Center programs
accommodate multiple crafts, possibly with some at-t
with subspaces, and figure 4 - 11 for a sample facility
activities. They should include at least a general self-
directed crafts area and small photography lab. Some
specialized crafts areas may be included, with different
preferences for troops and families, as suggested below.
(1) Social Activities. As in the Main Post Center, the
Classrooms, galleries and support spaces are assigned
social activities - drop-in, lounging, eating, meeting, and
to the consolidated central areas, shared with other
games - are an important focus for the Local Center.
Spaces for these should be central, open, readily acces-
sible, and closely intermixed with other functional areas.
Troop Centers: woodwork, leather.
Essential elements are a lounge, snack area, multipur-
Family Centers: ceramics, household repair, sewing
pose meeting rooms, amusement and games rooms, and
and home arts classes.
television room. In larger centers, there would be a large
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