Facility Programming
b. Population Served
c. Location
Local Centers should be located along the routes of daily
Local Centers serve local geographic and population
life of the people they serve. They should be within, or
communities on an installation-troop billeting areas, bri-
adjacent to, the geographical areas they serve. For
gade or other units, family housing areas. The served
Troop Centers, the best location would be amid the bri-
population may range approximately from 1,000 to 7,000.
gade administrative and common areas, or in the open
This could be one to two brigades or comparable troop
space between the two brigade billeting areas near
units with a total of 1,000 to 7,000 troops; or it could be
existing playing fields and courts. Family Centers should
family housing areas for roughly 400 to 2,500 families,
be located at the heart of the family housing area. The
which include 1,000 - 7,000 persons, depending on fam-
centers should be within walking distance of all the billet-
ily size; or a mix of troops and families with an equivalent
ing or housing units served, amid other support facilities
total population. If a center is programmed to serve both
if they exist (see figure 4 - 6).
troops and families, there must be effective scheduling of
activities for separation of use, as necessary. In Local
Centers with specialized activities, some broader post-
d. Size
wide population will be served by specialized functions
unique to the installation.
The size of Local Centers varies greatly, depending on
the size of the population served, the functions accom-
modated, and the degree of specialized activities
included. They may be as small as 6,000 square feet, or
as large as 80,000 square feet, in area. Typical space
programs for such Centers are found in table 4 - 3.
Page 4-13
DG 1110-3-142