Illustrative Designs
room and bar, lounge/activities spaces, television lounge,
location is central to the post, readily accessible and
club meeting rooms, and outdoor amphitheatre. At the
highly visible. It is along common daily activity paths for
edge of this mall are large facilities for child care, music
all population groups on post. By concentrating major
center, and main library - all of which face out onto the
commercial, community service and leisure activities at
open green space to the south.
this central location, the Main Post Center can effectively
serve as the focus for the sense of community for all.
The pedestrian mall between these facilities is designed
The design of the Main Post Center reinforces this pur-
as a series of interconnected outdoor court spaces, one
pose, the image presents (see perspective, figure 6 - 3,
of which includes the amphitheatre. Many entrances lead
and section/elevation, figure 6 - 5) a distinctive commu-
into, and out of, this center. The facilities, some in con-
nity focus for the post. It is a significant architectural
tinuous structures, some separate, are connected by
statement, different in appearance than the typical post
arcades for architectural coherence and shade. This out-
buildings. It is composed of a connected series of visi-
door pedestrian mall, with shaded pathways, is appropri-
ble, individual elements that are not dominated by any
ate to the local southeastern climate of the post. Major
one institutional component. It is open, identifiable and
parking is provided at the major retail end of the center,
outside the post exchange and drop-off to the child care
facility and music center.
The openness is evident in the functional layout of the
plan (see figure 6 - 4). Many entrances and pathways
The Town Green is the more formal, less commercialized
through the Center invite free access and casual visits
end of this Main Post Center complex. On it's front, are
and use. Glass walls are prevalent, exposing the range
the quieter formal functions which may require partial
of activities offered to passersby heading to other pro-
seclusion from the activity of the mall and main street.
grams, or just using the landscaped and arcaded outdoor
This end of the center faces directly to the existing post
spaces as a place to spend time and see friends. Many
administrative center. Facing the green are the main
spaces for casual, drop-in activities, such as lounges,
post library, Army community services, placement and
games rooms, snack bars, and outdoor amphitheatres,
emergency services, the post guest house and
are spread throughout the complex. The user is
presented with an extremely varied mix of functions
which can appeal to a wide range of people.
Phasing. The Main Post Center is designed for
phased growth, as is inevitable for such a major complex
(3) Building Organization. The organizing design
in a continuous development process. The center is
concept of the Main Post Center is a combination of
composed of buildings that can be built independently in
three urban design patterns drawn from civilian commu-
successive phases of construction (see figure 6 - 2).
nity life: the main street, the shopping mall, and the
From the outset, the new construction adds onto and
town green (see figure 6 - 4).
infills between the existing activity centers. Some of the
new facilities are additions directly to existing structures,
The functions placed along the street frontage to create
as the soda fountain built onto the post exchange, others
a main street character are interesting, high-attraction
are detached by adjacent, and related with landscaping
retail, food and service activities. They are accessible
and arcades. This sequence represents one possible
directly from the street curb-side parking and drop-off.
scenario, but the Community Framework permits other
On one side, adjacent to the pedestrian shopping mall,
phasings and patterns of development.
are the soda fountain, crafts store and supply shop
(which is the feature of arts and crafts with the widest
The development phasing is designed to form the three
appeal), snack bar, barber shop, travel/ITT, pool room,
organizing urban design patterns from the beginning.
bar, newstand, shoppette and entrances to the mall. On
Already in the first phase, the library begins to form the
the opposite side of the main street, provided with small
town green near the post administrative center; the rec-
off-street parking and drop-off areas, are a laundromat,
reation, arts and crafts, and child care facilities develop
credit union, bank, post office and, a little further on, the
the mall concept with the exchange and commissary;
bus station, movie theatres, bowling center and drama
and the recreation, refreshment and retail functions begin
center, forming a "night-time" entertainment mall around
a connecting main street. In the second phase, the pat-
its own parking area.
terns are extended, including completion of almost all the
town green facilities, and the completion of retail and ser-
Adjacent to the main street frontage on the south, an
vice facilities on main street and the mall, thus forming
active pedestrian retail and service mall connects the
the pedestrian courtyard spaces. In the third phase, the
post exchange/commissary complex with the post admin-
last one illustrated, new buildings continue to form the
istrative center. The most appealing elements are
spaces and intensify the activity paths, and existing
placed in prominent positions to act as diverse attrac-
buildings are enlarged to accommodate a larger
tions. Some of the morale support program clusters are
separated and individual areas mixed in with other activi-
ties. The functions along this pedestrian mall include the
florist, beauty shop, other small exchange retail opera-
tions, the thrift shop, arts and crafts, central recreation
program area, snack bar, barber shop, travel/ITT, pool
DG 1110-3-142 Page 6-11