Illustrative Designs
b. Existing Programs and
layout is constrained by existing facility locations, master-
plan intentions, and the limited space available.
The MSA and community facilities are planned to provide
a combined troop and family oriented program. No facili-
The MSA and community programs at Fort Caribe oper-
ties are dedicated for only one or the other group.
ate in severely limited facilities. The golf course is well
Because of the small size of the post, and the small sin-
maintained and there is a riding club with arena and sta-
gle soldier population, this combination is expected to be
bles, but there is no gymnasium. There is a small weight
quite workable by time-scheduling specific activities as
lifting room and a karate club in "found" space, some
softball fields, multipurpose basketball and racquetball
The community activity/recreation/physical fitness center
courts. Arts and crafts as well as youth activities occupy
is located near the existing sports and social facilities,
inadequate buildings converted from other functions,
adjacent to the golf course and high school. A Commu-
located near the post exchange. The library and general
nity Activity Center with extensive social activity and mul-
education center are in the same complex. There is no
child care at present. The officers' club is large and
tipurpose meeting spaces and a bowling center is plan-
ned in the vicinity of existing clubs and theaters. Also
recently constructed. The joint enlisted men's/NCO club
is adequate.
planned nearby is a future gymnasium, additional playing
fields and courts. This complex is intended to provide
social recreation, athletic, and minor music and drama
c. Community Framework
production activities for the entire post population, includ-
ing youth activities.
The Community Framework plan for Fort Caribe (figure
The separate post exchange/education/skills center con-
6 - 38) projects a full, self-sustaining program of commu-
tributes to the existing complex of post exchange,
nity services and facilities for the installation. It is organ-
chapel, and general education center/library. It replaces
ized into two main centers of activity, a community activ-
the other older buildings in this area with a new commis-
ity/recreation/physical fitness center that is east of the
sary, a bank, a child care center, and a new skill devel-
post headquarters, and a post exchange/education/skills
opment center, with complete facilities for multiple art
center on the west. Ideally, all these functions should be
and auto crafts.
located in one complex for a post this size. However, this
DG 1110-3-142 Page 6-47