Chapter 6
Community Activity
Centers for Remote
Sites and Small
a. Introduction
Community Activity Centers for remote sites and small
populations must solve special problems under con-
strained conditions. The CAC is a consolidated facility
accommodating morale support activities and other
morale, welfare and recreation programs, designed to
provide a real center for post community life. The proto-
typical CAC programs and plans presented here are
designed to serve isolated sites with military strengths of
250 or less.
This section includes a discussion of the planning con-
siderations basic to the design of Community Activity
Centers for small remote installations. It presents the
design concept and organizational issues for such CAC's
post. It provides basic building programs and plans for
CAC's for installations of three military strength ranges;
1 - 25, 26 - 100, and 101 - 250. These are suggested
designs, for adaptation to local construction, climate and
site conditions at each individual installation.
b. Planning Considerations
(1) Center of Community. Community Activity Cen-
ters for small remote sites must be planned to create a
good community for the local military population. Since
these sites are typically located in isolated and foreign
environments, community services and leisure time activ-
ities for the installation population are not generally avail-
able in the surrounding area. The troops tend to spend
most of their time within the confines of the installation.
Thus development of a sense of community through pro-
vision of a self-sufficient program of community activities
and services, and of a place to be for nonmission activi-
ties, is particularly important.
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