Space Criteria: A Guide to the Guides
f. Outdoor Pedestrian, Vehicular and
(3) Maintenance/Janitor's Spaces
Service Areas
(a) Description. Provide a closet with a deep sink and
space for pails, mops, vacuums and related cleaning
(1) Port Cochere
(a) Description. A roofed area should be provided in
(b) Space Allocation. See Table 7 - 29.
front of the entry.
(c) Relationships. Locate along the major circulation
(b) Space Allocation. Provide 300 sq. ft. (In calculating
the gross square footage of the building, calculate this
(4) Mechanical Equipment Room
area at 50% of its actual size.)
(a) Description. Provide space for mechanical and
(c) Relationships. Adjacent to the entry, parent
electrical systems in an efficient location.
area/lobby and reception.
(b) Space Allocation. In each CDS facility, provide
(2) Vehicular Circulation, Parking and Drives
3.3% of the gross square footage (net assignable space
(a) Description. On-site paved roadways should
plus non-assignable multiplier).
include bus drop-off points, parking and service areas
(c) Relationships. Centrally located, but not interfering
and should provide interesting views into play yards.
with child activity spaces.
(b) Space Allocation. Provide one staff space per 1.25
staff and one parent/visitor space per 12 children. Pro-
e. Outdoor Activity Spaces
vide short term parking spaces, based on one space per
20 children. See DG 1110-3-143 and the ANSI crite-
(1) Porches and Decks
ria for other requirements.
(a) Description. Provide sheltered outdoor activity
spaces with a quick-drying surface and a favorable sun
(b) Space Allocation. Provide 50 sq. ft. minimum, or 1
sq. ft. per child. (In calculating gross square footage,
covered outdoor areas are counted at 50% their actual
(2) Play Yards for Infants, Toddlers, Preschool-Age
and School-Age Children
(a) Description. Provide outdoor play yards for each
age group that are developmentally appropriate for the
age of the children served. All play yards should have
direct access to the indoor activity areas they respec-
tively serve. Separate the play yards of older children
from those of younger children.
(6) Space Allocation. Provide a minimum of 50 sq. ft.
per infant, 100 sq. ft. per toddler, and 100 sq. ft. per
preschooler or school-age child (200 sq. ft. per child is
(c) Relationships. Locate each outdoor activity with
easy and direct access to its respective indoor area, par-
ticularly the child toilet areas. Separate infant areas from
the active play spaces of older children. Locate toddler
areas, if possible, between infant and preschool areas.
Locate play yards for school-aged children close to com-
munity-shared public park space and playing fields, if
DG 1110-3-142 Page 7-29