UFC 4-740-20
1 May 2006
Large, Medium, and Small General Libraries
General library facilities may be large, medium, or small depending upon the military
population and other requirements at each base. Refer to Section 2-2 Space Allocation
Criteria for information regarding the size allocations for individual facilities.
Library Extension Services (LES)
Extension services libraries may have the general library functions or may emphasize a
specific technical function with specialized collections. They may lack activities,
children's functions, and a formal staffing structure. Facilities are based on local
conditions and identified requirements of the community served.
Branch Libraries
Branch libraries offer a full range of materials and services. They have set operating
hours, separate quarters, a paid staff, and a basic collection of materials. A general
library or library service center directs branch operations.
Field Libraries
Field libraries house a collection of general reading materials issued from and directed
by a general library or library service center to an Air Force, Department of Defense, or
State Department activity for which the Air Force has responsibility (see DODI 1010.15,
enclosure 11). Field libraries may or may not have set operating hours or paid staff and
may operate on the honor system.
Site Libraries
Site libraries contain a collection of print and non-print materials issued to a remote
location at the request of the local installation or services commander to enhance library
services. They may or may not have paid staff and set operating hours. Site libraries
operate under the administration of the local site commander and are serviced from a
general library or library service center.
Expeditionary Libraries
Expeditionary libraries support special OCONUS military operations with less than 500
personnel or until the establishment of a Learning Resource Center is justified and
approved. Collections of paperback books, newspapers, periodicals, and audio/visual
materials are issued to library-inaccessible locations that are serviced from a MAJCOM,
general library, or library service center.
Learning Resource Centers (LRC)
Learning Resource Centers are established at forward locations to provide deployed
members the opportunity to access informational and educational resources to continue
their professional and personal development. LRCs are a type of expeditionary library.
They are setup at the discretion of the site commander at Air Force hosted operations
and are collocated with education. LRC facilities support sustained operations where
other education and library services do not exist.
Air Force library programs provide professional library services to meet the military
mission requirements, educational, and leisure-time needs of the base military