g) Ventilation design as determined by the medical
activity industrial hygienist must provide adequate air flow
during normal and emergency conditions to ensure a safe
environment for operating personnel. This is particularly
crucial in plant areas that generate gases and vapors. Consider
Provide positive head on pump suctions.
i) Particular caution should be observed with
chemical piping layout; for example, avoid entrapment areas for
hydrogen peroxide that may cause valve and pipe eruption.
Provide vacuum breaks in piping design to avoid undesirable back
siphonage to pumps and tanks.
j) Provide adequate design of piping and equipment
supports to avoid vibration that may lead to failure.
k) Provide for storage of process treatment chemicals
in temperature and/or climate controlled areas as needed.
l) Consider use of pneumatically controlled valves
(rather than electric) in corrosive environments.
Operational Factors.
The following points should be
a) Adequate operator training at facilities is
mandatory. An O&M manual which specifically reflects the
plant's requirements is required. Conduct on-the-job training
at plant startup and continue until the entire treatment process
runs continuously and satisfies design effluent discharge
criteria for a minimum 30-day period.
equipment component in the plant. Prepare a system O&M manual
to integrate and demonstrate how each component relates to the
system. Operation and equipment manuals should be updated after
the performance demonstration period to include equipment and
implemented during the startup or performance demonstration