TM 5-628/AFR 91-44
(a) Surface metal on the head flowed
toward the field side giving a creased appearance
on the running surface near the field corner.
(b) A protruding lip extending along the
length of the rail.
(c) In the advanced stage, flow becomes
bladelike, jagged, or nonuniform and may hang
down or separate from the rail head (fig B-12).
o. Head/web separation.
separating the head and web of the rail.
(2) Appearance in track. Can be recognized
by one or more of the following characteristics.
(a) In earlier stages, wavy lines
appearing along the fillet under the head.
(b) As the condition develops, a small
crack will appear along the fillet on either side
progressing longitudinally with slight irregular turns
upward and downward.
will extend downward from the longitudinal
separation through the web and may extend
through the base (fig B-13).
p. Horizontal split head.
(a) Before
cracking out, a
moderate size
(1) Description. A progressive longitudinal
horizontal split head will appear as a flat spot on
fracture in the rail head parallel to the running
the running surface often accompanied by a slight
widening or dropping of the rail head. The flat spot
(2) Appearance in track.
will be visible as a dark spot on the bright running