TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
1-1. Purpose.
equipment; such overdesign would require thicker
and heavier walls and floors than required by
This manual provides qualified designers the crite-
most of the equipment. The noise estimates and
ria and guidance required for design and construc-
the noise control designs presented may be used
tion of those features related to noise and vibra-
tion control of mechanical equipment systems most
poses. Data and recommendations are given for
commonly encountered in military facilities.
mechanical equipment installations on-grade and
1-2. Scope.
in upper-floor locations of steel and concrete build-
ings. Though they can also be applied to equip-
These criteria apply to all new construction and to
ment located in upper floors of buildings on all-
major alteration of existing structures. US mili-
wood construction, the low mass of such structures
tary facilities that require higher standards be-
for the support of heavy equipment will yield
cause of special functions or missions are not
higher noise and vibration levels than would
covered in this manual; criteria for these and
normally be desired. Data and recommendations
other exceptions are normally contained in a de-
sign directive. If standards given in this manual
are also given for the analysis of noise in the
and its referenced documents do not provide all
surrounding neighborhood caused by mechanical
the needs of a project, recognized construction
equipment, such as cooling towers. On-site power
practices and design standards can be used.
plants driven by reciprocating and gas turbine
engines have specific sound and vibration prob-
1-3. References.
lems, which are considered separately in the man-
Appendix A contains a list of references used in
ual TM 5-805-9/AFM 88-20.
this manual.
1-5. English Metric Units.
1-4. Noise Estimates.
English units are used throughout this manual for
Noise level estimates have been derived for vari-
conventional dimensions, such as length, volume,
ous types of mechanical equipment, and in some
speed, weight, etc. Metric units are used in special
cases graded for power or speed variations of the
applications where the United States has joined
noise-producing machines. The noise level esti-
with the International Standards Organization
mates quoted in the manual are typically a few
(ISO) in defining certain acoustic standards, such
decibels above the average. Therefore, these noise
as 20 micropascal as the reference base for sound
level estimates should result in noise control de-
pressure level.
signs that will adequately "protect" approximately
1-6. Explanation of Abbreviations and Terms.
80 to 90 percent of all equipment. It is unecono-
mical to design mechanical equipment spaces to
Abbreviations and terms used in this manual are
protect against the noise of all the noisiest possible
explained in the glossary.