TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Region A: High probability that noise-induced vibration levels in lightweight
wall and ceiling constructions will be clearly feelable; anticipate audible rattles
in light fixtures, doors, windows, etc.
Region B: Noise-induced vibration levels in lightweight wall and ceiling con-
structions may be moderately feelable; slight possibility of rattles in light fix-
tures, doors, windows, etc.
Region C: Below threshold of hearing for continuous noise.
Reprinted with permission from
The 1987 ASHRAE Handbook,
HVAC Systems and Applications
Figure 2-2. Room Criterion (RC) Curves
d. Limitations. The indoor noise criteria consid-
The quality of telephone usage is related to SIL
ered above assume that the noise is almost contin-
approximately as follows:
uous and of a fairly steady nature (not enough
SIL Range (dB) for Telephone Usage
modulating or fluctuating up and down in level or
frequency to attract attention), and there are no
Slightly difficult
raucous, unpleasant sounds or strongly tonal
sounds. If any of these assumptions are not met,
Above 75