UFC 3-535-01
17 November 2005
Install threshold lights, as specified in paragraph 4-4, with dimensions
referenced to the theoretical beginning of the usable landing area.
Install runway end lights, as specified in paragraph 4-6 with
measurements referenced from the end of the usable takeoff and rollout area.
When the displaced runway area is used for specific operations (takeoff,
rollout, taxiing) appropriate edge lights for the function are installed to delineate the
The runway centerline lights facing the approach direction in the displaced
area must be blanked out if the length of the displacement is less than 210 meters (700
feet). If the displacement is 210 meters (700 feet) or greater, circuit the centerline lights
in the area separately. Provide the capability to turn runway centerline lights off during
landing operations. If a high intensity approach light system is installed, this switching
capability is not required.
Install approach lights and visual approach slope indicators, such as PAPI,
as specified in this standard using the theoretical beginning of the usable landing area
(threshold) as the reference. Ensure coordination has been performed for relocation of
any instrument approach aids.
Where the abandoned runway surface is not used for aircraft movement,
the threshold lighting is relocated to the new threshold location. Lights in or along the
abandoned surface are not required.
Configuration for Temporary Displacement
See Figure 4-8 for a typical layout of temporary displaced threshold with construction or
obstructions on the approach end. See Figure 4-9 for layout when threshold/end of
runway lights are co-located. Where the threshold is temporarily displaced and the
duration of the displacement is insufficient to warrant the relocation of all facilities
(normally 6 months or less), the following applies:
Coordinate with Terminal Instrument Procedures Specialist (TERPS) or
FAA equivalent, airfield manager, CE Community planner, safety, and standardization
and evaluation office to determine placement of the threshold.
Include temporary displaced threshold layout and configuration in the
construction phasing plan and submit temporary displaced threshold
requirement/configuration as a part of the temporary waiver request to the installation
commander for a construction project within the airfield environment.
Disable the permanent threshold, runway end lights, approach lighting
system, visual glide slope indicating systems such as PAPI or VASI, and any
touchdown zone lights serving that end of the runway.