UFC 3-535-01
17 November 2005
For curves, fixtures will be spaced nominally 6.3 meters (25 feet) on centers. When
hoverlanes terminate adjacent to hanger access aprons or boundaries of other areas
not intended for own-power operation, the desirable limit of helicopter travel along
hoverlanes toward such areas will be indicated by three lighting fixtures emitting aviation
red light. Two red hoverlane limit lights will each be installed on opposite sides of, and
approximately 3.8 meters (15 feet) from, the hoverlane centerline. The third light,
forming a line of three such lights perpendicular to the alternating aviation green and
yellow hoverlane lights, will be located in line with the alternating aviation green and
yellow hoverlane lights. Red hoverlane limit lights will provide uni-directional guidance
by use of a combat-type hood attached to a taxiway light fitting. The row of alternating
aviation green and yellow hoverlane lights described above will terminate approximately
6.3 meters (25 feet) from the red limit lights, outward from the apron or boundary.
Hoverlane limit light mountings and types will be as for the alternating aviation green
and yellow hoverlane lights described above. Hoverlane turnoffs to individual parking
pads will be indicated by aviation green and yellow hoverlane lights beginning
approximately 6.3 meters (25 feet) from and perpendicular to the hoverlane, installed on
nominal 6.3 meter (25 foot) centers. The line of hoverlane turnoff lights will terminate
approximately 6.3 meters (25 feet) from the edge of the parking pad nearest the
hoverlane. The limit of helicopter travel from the hoverlane toward the pad, along the
turnoff, will be indicated by two parking pad limit lights, which will be located
approximately 5 meters (20 feet) beyond the pad, 3.8 meters (15 feet) apart, and
perpendicular to the turnoff light line. Parking pad limit lights will emit aviation red light,
and will provide uni-directional guidance with a combat-type hood, attached to a taxiway
light fitting with red lens. All hoverlane limit and parking pad limit lights will be provided
with brightness control and circuited separately, as a group, from other lights. Hoverlane
lighting will not be installed in the rigid pavement area of mass parking aprons.
Elevated Runway and Landing Lane Edge Lights
Elevated runway edge lights will be omni-directional, medium intensity, FAA type L-861.
The lamp for this light will be approximately 30 watts, 6.6 amperes, as recommended by
the manufacturer (Figure 13-12).
In-pavement Runway Lights
In-pavement runway lights will be medium intensity, FAA type L-852 E (Figure 13-13).
Where rollover is anticipated on a runway or taxiway, use in-pavement light fixtures of
the appropriate color.
Threshold Lights
In-pavement threshold lights will be FAA type L-852E. A 180 degree aviation green, 180
degree aviation red filter, will be supplied with the light fixture.
Runway Blue Lights
Elevated and in-pavement lights will be aviation blue, FAA type L-861.
Refueling Area Lights