UFC 3-560-01
6 December 2006
Including change 1, 7 December 2006
Table 4-1. PPE Criteria
Required Minimum
General PPE Description
PPE Arc Rating
[cal/cm2 (J/cm2)]
Comply with paragraph 4-4.1.2
8 (33.47)
Comply with paragraph 4-4.1.2
8 (33.47)
Comply with paragraph UFC 4-4.1.2, including cotton underwear (conventional
short sleeve shirt and briefs/shorts) plus hearing protection, leather gloves and 8
8 (33.47)
cal/cm2 (33.47 J/cm2) sock/balaclava in combination with 8 cal/cm2 (33.47 J/cm2)
face shield attached to a hard hat.
Comply with paragraph 4-4.1.2, including cotton underwear (conventional short
sleeve shirt and briefs/shorts) plus hearing protection, leather gloves and 8
8 (33.47)
cal/cm2 (33.47 J/cm2) sock/balaclava in combination with 8 cal/cm2 (33.47 J/cm2)
face shield attached to a hard hat.
Same as hazard/risk category 2* plus with a set of coveralls and flash suit hood
25 (104.60)
(instead of sock/balaclava in combination with face shield attached to a hard hat).
Same as hazard/risk category 2* plus multilayer flash suit (instead of
40 (167.36)
sock/balaclava in combination with face shield attached to a hard hat).
Note 1. Provide an "arc flash hood (Sock/Balaclava) in combination with a face shield rated for a minimum of 8 cal/cm2
(33.47 J/cm2) attached to a hard hat". This is considered equivalent to an "arc flash protective hood (double layer
switching hood) rated for a minimum of 8 cal/cm2 (33.47 J/cm2)". Therefore, Category 2 and Category 2* are
considered identical.
Note 2. Voltage rated gloves with leather protectors must be used in accordance with NFPA 70E and as specified
elsewhere in this UFC.