Table 26
Grounding of Equipment During Oil Handling
Oil system.
A. Bond apparatus tanks, conductive hoses, pumping or filtering equipment, drums, tank
cars, trucks, and portable storage tanks to the station ground mat.
B. Connect the supply end first and disconnect it last to prevent possible arcs near the
source such as oil trunks, tank cars.
II. Equipment conductors. Bond exposed conductors, such as
transformer or
breaker bushings, or coil ends or transformers where bushings have been physically
removed, to the same grounding point.
Aerial Lift Truck Vehicle Grounding. Ground vehicles prior to
conductor bonding, if at all possible. If not, use a hot stick to remove or
install vehicle grounds on a grounded system bonded to the conductor.
Ground in accordance with Figure 6 and Table 27.
Do not begin work on overhead lines until vehicle is
Insulated aerial lift
Uninsulated aerial lift
Figure 6
Insulated and Uninsulated Aerial Lift Vehicle Grounding Connections