TM 5-811-7
of steel reinforced concrete because galvanic corro-
when this is not clear, the criterion used most
sion will occur between the steel rebar and the
widely is based on current density required and soil
5000 ohm-centimeters) and the current density
requirement is low (less than 1 milliampere per
Determining type and design of cathodic
square foot), a galvanic system can be used. How-
protection system.
When all preliminary data have been gathered and
requirement exceed the above values, an impressed
the protective current has been estimated, the
current system should be used. Figure 2-1 will be
design sequence can begin. The first question to
used in the design sequence. Design sequences for
ask is: which type (galvanic or impressed current)
each type of cathodic protection system are given
cathodic protection system is needed? Conditions
in paragraphs a and b below.
at the site sometimes dictate the choice. However,