EI 01D010
1 September 1997
Current Working Estimate (TOTAL CWE) for Civil
personnel whose duties require they have knowledge
Works may be rounded to the nearest thousand
of the subject. When an A-E is responsible for
preparing any such estimate, the A-E submittal
should include a list of individual's names who have
had access to the total amount of the estimate.
2-9. Price Level/Escalation Adjustment
Government personnel also should sign the same or a
similar list. A list similar to figure B-1, in appendix
All cost estimate elements will be priced to a common
B should be filed with the Government estimate.
calendar date base (month and year). The establish-
ment of this date should be based on the ability to
c. Marking the Government estimate. The
obtain current known costs and adjust historical costs
Government estimate will be marked in accordance
with AR 25-55. The preparer of the Government
effective price level date. Once the cost estimate has
estimate will ensure that the protective marking " For
been prepared to the effective price level date, the
Official Use Only" (FOUO) is properly applied to all
estimate may require cost adjustment to accommodate
pertinent documents, computer files, floppy disks,
the project schedule, therefore the cost engineer
printouts, and other documents prepared manually or
should calculate escalation as a separately identifiable
electronically for incorporation into the Government
element and calculation methodology should be
clearly defined and indicated. Additional information
on cost escalation is provided in chapter 13.
d. Disclosure outside of the Government. After
contract award, ordinarily, only the title page, signa-
2-10. Safeguarding Cost Estimates
ture page, and bid schedule are disclosed outside the
Government. The Government estimate backup data
Although not required by regulations, estimates based
should not be released since it contains sensitive cost
on less than completed design should be handled by
data (e.g., contractor quotes, crews and productivity)
the cost engineer in a discretionary manner. Access
that are proprietary or might compromise cost
to each estimate and its contents will be limited to
estimates for future similar procurement.
those persons whose duties require knowledge of the
estimate. Estimates prepared by A-E' will also be
e. Bid protests and litigation. During bid
similarly handled. Any request by the public for
protests and litigation, if appropriate and to the extent
information and pricing in the estimate will not be
possible, Counsel should have the Government
provided until coordination, verification of data, and
estimate and/or the Government estimate backup data
approval have been given by the commander or
placed under a "protective order." There are valid
designated authority.
reasons for not releasing the backup data supporting
the Government estimate to the contractors. In the
2-11. Security and Disclosure of
case of a bid protest, there is a possibility that the
Government Estimate
contract could be re-advertised or converted to a
negotiated procurement. Release of the backup data
a. Contents of the Government estimate. The
would provide bidders with the detailed cost data that
Government estimate consists of a title page,
supports the Government estimate. If, however, the
signature page, and bid schedule. Supporting
apparent low bidder protests the details of the
documents that are publicly available as part of the
Government estimate, the Command may provide the
solicitation (such as plans, specifications, and project
details of the Government estimate and Government
descriptions) are not part of the Government estimate.
backup data, to the protestor only, upon receipt of
Government estimates for contract awards and
complete details of the protestor' estimate. See,
contract modifications are treated the same.
EFARS 33.103 (S-101). If the protest is not sustained
and the proposal is re-advertised, all bidders are
b. Access to the Government estimate. Access to
entitled to have the same information as the protestor.
the estimate and its contents will be limited to