EI 01D010
1 September 1997
the detailed bottoms-up cost estimate based on the
final plans and specifications. This estimate serves as
the basis for establishing the Government estimate.
(2) Estimates for feasibility reports.
2-18. HTRW Program Specific
(3) Estimates during engineering and design.
(4) Government estimates for contract award
and for contract modifications.
a. Remedial action cost estimates are required
during all phases of an HTRW project. Most existing
(5) The cost engineer may also be required to
HTRW sites are remediated under the
prepare cost estimates for special purposes such as
Comprehensive Environmental Response,
continuing project management and budgetary
Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), which
submissions; special programs such as Continuing
has distinct and legally required phases that differ
Authority Program (CAP), Dam Safety Assurance
from the design and construction process applicable
to traditional USACE programs.
and Operation, Maintenance, Repair, Rehabilitation
and Replacement (OMRR&R).
b. CERCLA project phases are: Preliminary
Assessment (PA); Site Inspection (SI); Remedial
b. The definitions and appropriate policies
Investigation (RI); Feasibility Study (FS); Record of
applicable to the wide variety of projects encompassed
Decision (ROD); Remedial Design (RD); and
in the civil works program are described in ER 1110-
Remedial Action (RA). During the PA, SI, or RI
2-1302. The technical details for preparing cost
phases of a HTRW project the estimates are called
estimates are provided in this manual.
preliminary budget estimates. The project scope,
2-17. Military Program Specific
primary remedial technology have not been defined
during these early phases. All available tools such as
HTRW historical information and parametric
estimating procedures should be used to develop the
In the Military Construction (MILCON) program,
preliminary budget estimates. The estimates are
construction cost estimates are prepared throughout
refined more during the FS phase, which compares
the planning, design, and construction phases of a
the technical merits of alternative remedial action
construction project. These construction cost
methods. Historical data, parametric estimating,
estimates are categorized as follows: Programming
detailed quantity take-off estimating and life cycle-
estimate; concept estimate; final estimate; and
cost techniques should be used to compare the costs of
Government estimate. In the planning phase, the cost
competing technologies. The cost estimate of the
estimate is called programming estimate and is
selected remediation alternative from the FS
prepared on a Department of Defense form, DD Form
generally serves as a basis for the ROD estimate. The
1391. This programming estimate is developed based
ROD estimate is the basis for funding authorization
on preliminary project scope or mission requirements.
of an HTRW project. During the remedial design
Historical data and parametric estimating procedures
phase, the cost estimate for remedial action is a CWE.
are used to develop the estimate. The concept
The CWE is the detailed cost estimate developed
estimate is prepared during the 15 percent or 35
from design documents and serves as the basis for
percent design phase of the project and is used to
establishing the Government estimate. The remedial
update the programming estimate. The estimate is
action phase is the actual site cleanup of an HTRW
refined more during this phase since the design
criteria and project requirements have been defined.
The accuracy and reasonableness of the concept
c. HTRW projects not covered by CERCLA may
estimate is critical as this estimate becomes the basis
fall under other applicable public laws such as the
for Congressional funding authorization and
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
appropriation for construction. The final estimate is