UFC 4-021-02NF
27 September 2006
change 1, 23 October 2006
The purpose of this UFC is to provide guidance for designing Electronic Security
Systems (ESS) in support of the Department of Defense (DoD) physical security
program requirements. An ESS is one of many physical security measures that must be
considered when addressing the physical security posture of a facility. This UFC is
intended to provide uniformity and consistency in the design of an ESS.
This UFC provides planning and design criteria for DoD components and participating
organizations. This UFC applies to all construction, renovation, or repair projects that
include an Electronic Security System.
This UFC provides guidance in designing an ESS. It is not intended to create the
requirement for an ESS, but rather to assist in designing systems that meet an
established requirement and to give guidance to commanders, architects, and
engineers on designing an ESS for new projects. Headquarters, Major Command, and
installation physical security personnel should be consulted for DoD and Service
directives outlining ESS requirements for asset protection. The ESS requirement may
come from DoD standards, installation requirements, or user requirements. Projects
may include new construction, additions, renovations, expeditionary, or temporary
A vulnerability assessment must be conducted prior to beginning a security project (see
the sections "Vulnerability Assessment--Identify Critical Assets" and "Vulnerability
Assessment--Design Basis Threat (DBT)" in Chapter 2, "Electronic Security System
Overview." Having identified what facility or elements might be vulnerable to which
threats, physical security measures such as an ESS can be implemented to reduce the
risk of intrusion and subversive acts. In summary, this UFC assumes the pre-design
phases, including the risk analysis, are completed prior to beginning ESS design. For
information on design requirements, refer to UFC 4-020-01 and UFC 4-020-02
(described in the section "Security Engineering UFC Series" in this chapter).
Appendix A contains a list of references used in this UFC. The publication
date of the code or standard is not included in this UFC. In general, the latest available
issuance of the reference was used.