UFC 4-021-02NF
27 September 2006
change 1, 23 October 2006
established using UFC 4-020-01. Those protective measures include building and site
elements, equipment, and the supporting manpower and procedures necessary to make
them all work as a system. The information in UFC 4-020-02 is in sufficient detail to
support concept-level project development and provides a sound basis for a more
detailed design. This UFC also provides a process for assessing the impact of
protective measures on risk. The primary audience for the "Security Engineering
Facilities Design Manual" is the design team, which should include security (Physical
Security Officer) and antiterrorism personnel. Security is an essential part of the design
team and they should bring in antiterrorism personnel (Antiterrorism Officer ATO), when
Security Engineering Support Manuals. In addition to the standards,
planning, and design UFCs described above, there are additional UFCs that provide
detailed guidance for developing final designs based on the preliminary designs
developed using UFC 4-020-02. These support manuals provide specialized, discipline-
specific design guidance. Some address specific tactics such as direct fire weapons,
forced entry, or airborne contamination. Others address limited aspects of design such
as resistance to progressive collapse or design of portions of buildings such as
mailrooms. Still others address details of designs for specific protective measures such
as vehicle barriers or fences. The Security Engineering Support Manuals are intended
to be used by the design team during the development of final design packages. This
UFC is one of the supporting manuals.
Following this introductory chapter, the remaining chapters present
information on how to design ESS subsystems as described in the next subsections.
Chapter 2, Electronic Security Systems Overview provides an overview of
how ESS make up part of an overall physical security system solution. Information on
the Detect, Delay, Respond principle is presented as well as a brief background on the
vulnerability assessment process that precedes ESS design. Overview information is
presented on system architectures, from simple to complex, and system monitoring
methods. Additional specific information is provided for each subsystem in the
subsequent chapters.
Chapter 3, Access Control Systems. An access control system (ACS) is a
system that ensures only authorized personnel are permitted ingress into or egress from
a controlled area. (Other DoD documents may refer to the ACS as an Automated
Access Control System or an Electronic Entry Control System.) This chapter describes
the elements of an ACS including card readers, common access card (CAC)
credentials, biometric readers, electronic door locks, and the computer and electronic
systems necessary to integrate these elements.
Chapter 4, Closed Circuit Television Systems. A closed circuit television
(CCTV) system is the collection of cameras, video recorders, and other equipment that
allows security events to be viewed, monitored, and recorded. This chapter covers the
components of a CCTV system and the interface with the Dispatch Center.