UFC 4-021-02NF
27 September 2006
change 1, 23 October 2006
Chapter 5, Intrusion Detection Systems. An intrusion detection system
(IDS) is a system that detects the presence of intruders. This chapter discusses the
elements of an IDS including sensors such as motion detectors, active and passive
infrared sensors, cables designed to sense movement or pressure when buried
underground, point alarms such as magnetic door switches, and glass breakage
sensors. An IDS system requires integration with a process and mechanisms for
assessing and responding to intrusion alarms.
Chapter 6, Data Transmission Media. The data transmission media (DTM)
system transmits information from sensors, ACS devices, and CCTV components to
display and assessment equipment. This chapter explains the significance of the DTM.
A DTM is a communication path or network for transmission of data between two or
more components, and back to the Dispatch Center.
Chapter 7, Dispatch Center. A Dispatch Center is the area containing the
personnel and alarm notification equipment that monitor inputs from the ACS, IDS,
CCTV, and communications systems. At the Dispatch Center, alarms are received, are
assessed and response actions are initiated including dispatching as necessary. This
chapter discusses the function and requirements of the Dispatch Center.
Chapter 8, ESS Subsystem Integration. Integration of
the various
subsystems for the ESS is discussed. Topics covered include communication from the
ACS to door and gate hardware, IDS to ACS, ACS to and from the CCTV subsystem,
and ACS to and from the Dispatch Center.
Chapter 9, General Requirements and Cross-Discipline Coordination.
General considerations such as system acceptance testing, operation, and
maintenance, architectural coordination issues and electrical coordination issues are
Chapter 10, Model Design Approach. To close this UFC, a chapter on a
model ESS design approach is provided. This chapter does not mandate an approach
but describes an effective model approach on how to design an ESS.