UFC 4-021-02NF
27 September 2006
change 1, 23 October 2006
In the above timeline, there will be a difference in time required to provide protection
depending on whether or the desired protection is to prevent compromise or prevent
destruction. If the goal is to prevent compromise of the asset, the response force must
arrive in time to prevent the threat from reaching the asset. The above timelines needs
to be created according to the protection required and may be shorter or longer
depending on differences between compromise and destruction of protected assets.
Establish the requirement for ESS early in the planning process.Establishing
the requirement necessitates an interdisciplinary planning team to ensure all interests
related to a project are considered appropriately and how security fits into the total
project design. The specific membership of the planning team will be based on local
considerations, but in general, the following functions should be represented: facility
user, antiterrorism officer, operations officer, security, logistics, engineering, life safety,
and others as required. The interdisciplinary planning team will use the process in UFC
4-020-01 to identify the design criteria, which includes the assets to be protected, the
threats to those assets (the Design Basis Threat), and the levels of protection to be
provided for the assets against the identified threats. In addition to the above listed
criteria elements, the planning team may also identify user constraints such as
appearance, operational considerations, manpower requirements or limitations, and
sustaining costs. That design criteria will be the basis for establishing the requirements
of the ESS and other elements of the overall security solution.
For existing facilities, the design criteria is used to perform a vulnerability
assessment, the results of which are used to establish the requirements for the ESS.
For new facilities, the design criteria is used to establish the requirements directly. The
levels of protection will be the most important criteria element in establishing the ESS
requirements. The process outlined in UFC 4-020-02 establishes the planning
requirements. It also provides a risk management process that can be used to evaluate
the resulting requirement. Figure 2-4 depicts the life cycle of an ESS.