UFC 4-021-02NF
27 September 2006
change 1, 23 October 2006
Figure 2-9. Local Alarm Monitoring
Central Station. Devices and circuits are automatically signaled to,
recorded, maintained, and supervised from a central station owned and managed by a
commercial firm with operators in attendance at all times. The Central Station personnel
monitor the signals and provide the response force to any unauthorized entry into the
protected area. Connection of alarm equipment to the central station is usually over
leased telephone company lines for systems of significance. Dial-up modems maybe
used for simpler systems. Refer to Figure 2-10.
Figure 2-10. Central Station Monitoring
Police Connection. Police connection systems are transmitted to and
annunciated at a local police agency dispatch center that records alarm annunciation.
Connection to the police is primarily over leased telephone lines. Police personnel
respond to alarms. A formal agreement with the police department is required to ensure
monitoring and response requirements. Often police departments impose a penalty after
some quota of false alarms, thus the sensitivity is often turned down to minimize
nuisance alarms and may result in missed indications. Police responders may be
attending to other emergencies and unavailable to respond when needed. Police
connection configurations are typically used for facilities, which are not located on a
DoD base or installation. Examples of facilities, which might be protected by a police