DG 1110-3-106
intermediate-, and long-range requirements of present
b. Where complex cost factors must be identified and
detailed estimates of long-range and life-cycle costs for
or projected operations. How well facilities suit the
needs of a service school activity at a given time
building and site development must be accurate and
should then be assessed. This can be done by
comparing existing conditions and needs with the
c. Where the need for extensive upgrading of
physical and environmental criteria contained here and
environmental and mechanical services is already
in other relevant documents. Project location and
existing primary and support facilities will largely
decide upgrade options and needs.
d. Where cost estimates must indicate the extent that
new facilities are competitive with the life-cycle costs
(1) Project Location.
and the potential use of newly modernized and
When the analysis of existing conditions or extent and
improved facilities.
character of upgrade requirements shows that
operations should be relocated, specific site selection
e. Where requirements for sophisticated technical,
requirements related to project location must be set.
mechanical, and/or special operations-related
New sites are usually determined by evaluating the
equipment have been established, and procurement and
impact of location factors on mission accomplishment.
installation schedules and standards are needed to
Thus, the using service should describe the most
assure proper use.
desirable location, stating the important factors to be
considered in site selection. In preparing specific
(2) Sources of Assistance.
project location criteria, location factors that affect site
The using service may ask for technical assistance
selection should be arranged in two major categories.
from local installation planning, engineering, and
a. Operational Environment.
electronics personnel. Where local support is limited or
The operational environment describes location factors
not available, the using service may seek help from
outside consultants. In all cases, the request for
to be considered when selecting which component
areas or single activities will be included in the scope
supportive technical or professional expertise should be
processed by the installation DEH or by a Corps
of upgrade needs. Future demand for and supply of
District Office.
essential support services provided either by a specific
functional activity or by service schools operations in
general influence components selection and the
7-3 Establishing Project Requirements.
sequence of upgrade work. A description of
operational factors affecting project location should
A. Overview.
q The primary physical relationship to related
project requirements, the using service must consider
functional activities.
specific programming, planning, and design factors
q The main characteristics of adjacent activities.
that affect the physical development of existing
q The main environmental characteristics of candidate
facilities for use by service schools. As a minimum,
this task should establish:
q The functional characteristics of individual activities.
q The operational factors that significantly affect the
(1) The extent and character of upgrade needed for
physical requirements of existing operations.
each functional activity.
(2) The appropriate building and site conditions
b. Physical Environment.
relative to specific upgrade requirements.
A description of physical factors affecting project
location should indicate:
(3) The impact on operations that might result from a
q Accessibility.
specific sequence of upgrade actions or the particular
q Circulation.
priority assigned to project accomplishment.
q Site features.
q Real property facilities.
B. Determining Individual Upgrading Needs.
q Surrounding land use and other man-made features.
The main planning decision that will influence selection
q Site or building structures that might ease or
of a proper construction program is determining the
obstruct upgrade.
extent and character of individual upgrade
requirements. In general, the extent of upgrade
(2) Primary and Support Facilities.
requirements is determined by organizing data gathered
When an alternative site with primary and support
by analyzing existing conditions in terms of the short-,
facilities must satisfy functional requirements, the