DG 1110-3-106
For example, one choice might emphasize interior
be available) may effectively reduce or prohibit
changes in room layouts and circulation, and the
carrying out some project objectives. Also, self-help
other, exterior adjustments to building form. This
improvement methods may be used for low-priority
should be done to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of
upgrading projects. Larger-scale projects with urgent
upgrade options where the sites are similar or where
requirements are usually given a high priority and
location is not the major factor of the project's
would most likely be done under urgent minor MCA
suitability. Options should consider expanding the
authorizations. In setting project priorities, it is
important to note that use of urgent minor MCA
inadequate space in buildings made mostly of
funds requires a different approval procedure than
substantial, permanent-type materials. Where there are
enough options, converting spatially adequate but
OMA funding. It also has a higher authorization level;
mechanically and structurally obsolete, temporary-type
thus, most large-scale upgrade projects involving the
construction should not be considered. Where
existing facilities will be accomplished under minor
MCA programs. This will allow the appropriate review
construction costs for an alternative to total
of project requirements, and a final determination as
replacement will exceed 50 percent of the cost of new
to whether new construction might be more effective
construction, a third alternative must be considered:
building a new facility. Also, where the square foot
for achieving functional objectives.
costs for partial upgrade, including relocations, exceed
50 percent of the square foot cost for a corresponding
(2) Program Characteristics.
portion of new construction, the following should be
A general review of the specific program characteristics
in the AR 415 series (particularly ARs 415-15, 415-20,
and 415-35), and the criteria in AR 420-10 governing
a. The incremental development and ultimate
maintenance and repair activities funding should be
replacement of existing facilities by building
used to identify appropriate programs.
conventional, permanent facilities.
F. Technical Assistance.
b. Acquisition of modular, pre-engineered facilities
When the using service must determine detailed
functioning concurrently with existing facilities as a
mechanical and technical requirements, technical
short- or middle-term option.
assistance will usually be sought from the local
Facilities Engineer. The condition of existing
mechanical, structural, and environmental systems may
E. Project Funding.
Completing upgrade projects depends largely on a
indicate a need for professional engineering assistance.
This will usually involve preparing a preliminary
careful rating of the various funding programs. Funds
for constructing new facilities are typically authorized
evaluation of mechanical, structural, and environmental
under and governed by major MCA programs and
systems and the effect their physical conditions have
procedures. Funding for upgrade projects reflects a
on mission performance. This is very important for
large operations and for those that foresee a need to
and improvement projects. Funding limitations
greatly increase or improve present physical facilities
imposed by specific construction programs must be
over the long term. Sometimes, technical assistance
recognized when setting project priorities. There may
may be needed to plan and design engineering systems
accurately for substantial expansion of primary and
be a large difference between actual upgrading
requirements and the cost, type, and classification of
support facilities. Extensive upgrade requirements,
especially where new construction may be needed, will
usually require specific technical expertise, such as
under specific construction programs. Also, since the
mechanical engineering, structural engineering, site
responsibility for approvals and the range of
engineering, equipment and furnishing specification, or
authorizations varies and since there are specific
other specialized knowledge. Specific guidance follows
limitations to use of appropriated and nonappropriated
on the main requirements for and sources of technical
funds, no single construction program or level and
source of funding will always be acceptable for a given
project objective. The following should guide project
funding decisions:
(1) Principal Requirements.
Technical assistance is primarily required:
(1) Program Limitations.
For small-scale upgrade projects, consider use of OMA
a. Where identifying functional requirements depends
funds authorized for maintenance and repair per local
on accurately assessing the condition of mechanical,
approval. This is very important where MCA program
electrical, environmental, and structural systems.
limitations severely limit funding resources or where
certain physical limitations (a site or facility may not