DG 1110-3-106
Applicability: Upgrading facilities currently used for service school activities.
Construction: Additions, expansions, extensions, and partial alteration, replacement, or relocation of existing facilities,
and the permanent installation of equipment and facilities for functional purposes such as instructional shops or
environmental and mechanical services, or for any other functional purposes requiring permanently installed equipment
or facilities.
Applicability: Minor rehabilitation is upgrading work that can be done in place.
Construction: Surface treatments such as painting, lighting, or floor covering, furnishing or equipment, or the minor
partitioning of space that requires no substantial alteration of primary building systems, constitute minor rehabilitation
activities that could be done under local provisions for self-help projects.
Applicability: Conversion is the upgrading of an existing facility not presently used for functional purposes.
Applicability: This alternate refers to either the total replacement of existing facilities with ground-up new
construction or the partial replacement of existing facilities with the long-term view toward ultimate total replacement.
New construction should be considered an appropriate upgrade option where cost-effectiveness and project feasibility
studies show that it is economically and functionally more desirable than either conversion or rehabilitation of existing
Construction: When considering the cost of construction, the 50 percent factor will be the main indicator of economic
feasibility. While long-term functional and operational efficiency and the impact on mission effectiveness should govern
the choice on a functional basis. This alternative includes: the conventional construction of permanent-type new
facilities as an addition to or partial replacement of existing facilities, the construction or acquisition of modular-type
facilities which are classified as semi-permanent or temporary construction and used for intermediate occupancy until
either more adequate facilities or new construction funds are made available, the acquisition or lease of short-term
relocatable or removable-type facilities such as pre-engineered or modular buildings, equipment, or mobile units. Urgent
upgrading requirement for operations presently housed in deficient temporary facilities and having no immediate
prospect of relocating to adequate existing facilities represent conditions where construction of totally new facilities
would be most appropriate.
Applicability: This approach generally refers to the repair and maintenance activities needed to conserve the effective
condition of existing facilities.
Construction: Conservation activities include minor self-help construction projects and the acquisition of furnishings
and equipment that upgrade existing operations without requiring major adjustments in physical relationships or
alterations to existing facilities.
Table 7-6
Potential Upgrading Alternatives.