DG 1110-3-106
Indicates likely options
Indicates possible alternatives
Predominant Existing Conditions
Table 7-3
Upgrading Potentials.
or activities and the physical constraints and
total rehabilitation or total replacement. The
opportunities that are unique to conditions of each site
percentages of the project shown in the example space
and building tend to lower the accuracy of this means
allocations contained in Table 7-5 should be used for
of using the guidelines.
guidance. In general, upgraded space should have
space allocations similar to new construction. Again,
(2) Partial Upgrading.
where 50 percent of new construction costs are
The need for partial new construction can be
exceeded by typical rehabiliation/conversion
determined on a zone basis by identifying a few vital
approaches, totally new facilities should be provided.
upgrade needs. For example, a first analysis of the
upgrade requirements estimate may show that the need
(3) Alternatives to Total Replacement.
for new facilities will be limited to instructional shops
When the need for relocation is identified and
or that major reconstruction will be required only in
conversion of existing facilities seems most appropriate,
the training administration areas. Here, the service
at least two different partial upgrade options should be
should try to do this as part of a larger program for
fully developed and studied before the final choice.