DG 1110-3-106
7-1 General.
opportunities; thus, the using service must first
investigate and evaluate the suitability and effectiveness
of many construction programs and upgrade
A. Purpose.
This chapter outlines project development guidance
alternatives. This assessment should be guided by pre-
and planning and design considerations for upgrading
planning decisions that define the scope and magnitude
existing facilities. It also presents strategies for physical
of required improvements. These procedures, especially
development, outlines preplanning decisions, and give
those concerned with pre-planning data and
guidance for siting and facility selection peculiar to
preliminary identification of improvement projects, can
draw heavily on activities described in TRADOC
improvement of existing facilities for use by Army
Pamphlet 415-1.
Service Schools.
7-2 Pre-Planning Decisions.
B. Applicability.
This guidance will apply to a wide range of small-,
A. Basic Decisions.
The main objective of pre-planning decisions is to
medium-, and large-scale projects and should be used
identify a strategy for physical development that will
with the criteria and guidance for new construction
improve existing operations. The functional
contained in the preceding chapters. The guidance will
characteristics and physical condition of existing
typically apply to projects involving additions,
alterations, conversions, or replacement of existing
operations are the most influential factors. Thus, the
facilities. It will also apply to projects involving the
requirements of these operations must first be
relocation of existing facilities and be useful for
estimated before selecting an approach. The following
planning projects requiring phased construction and
should be considered:
overlaps in the design-build process. The guidance may
also apply to alternative approaches for upgrading.
(1) The functional character of existing operations.
These include: step-by-step total replacement projects;
(2) The physical character of presently occupied space.
the acquisition or erection of specially designed
portable or relocatable facilities; the addition,
expansion, or conversion of existing facilities by
(3) The need for technical assistance in assessing
potential for upgrade.
building of new permanent facilities; or the
lease/procurement of new or improved operations or
(4) The long-range desirability of project
office-type furniture and equipment. For example, a
step-by-step total replacement approach might require
functional activities to be temporarily relocated for a
(5) The availability of funds for project completion.
short time to unimproved but adequate facilities during
each upgrading phase; for less extensive projects,
gradual unobstructive improvement of facilities and
B. Functional Character of Existing Operations.
A pre-planning decision concerning whether upgrading
equipment might be required while major functions
continue to operate in the same place.
is required usually depends on the functional character
of current operations and how much the existing
facilities limit their accomplishment. A review of the
C. Factors Affecting Individual Projects.
When a project's constraints indicate the need to
functional criteria given in preceding chapters should
upgrade existing facilities, several administrative,
indicate how well the functional objectives of Army
budgetary, and construction factors must be
service schools are now being met. The using agency
should make a simple but objective evaluation of
considered. These include the condition of existing
current operations based on the project-specific
operations; type of existing construction; relative
historic significance of existing structures; timing and
functional and planning and design criteria and the
general guidance contained in Chapters 2, 3, and 4.
appropriation for and funding level; approval
Functional characteristics of existing operations can be
rated according to the procedures given below. The
procedures of relevant construction programs; and, at
results will show, quantitatively, the level of
the local level, the budgetary priorities and scheduling
operational effectiveness; when considered with factors
constraints imposed by installation manpower and
material resources limitations. For projects involving
that affect project urgency, they will reflect the need
for upgrade relative to the operations' functional
historic structures or districts, the guidelines in TM
5-801-1 should be followed.
characteristics and physical condition.
D. Development of Project Options.
(1) Rating Existing Operations.
Modernization and improvement projects involve a
Based on the planning criteria and functional
wide range of design and construction constraints and
objectives contained in Chapters 2, 3, and 4, a