DG 1110-3-106
(2) Activity areas are spatially related according to
B. Form.
their functional affinities (see paragraph 5-2a.).
Classrooms are close to shops and to the
(1) Spaces are organized in conjunction with planned
administrative area. Since it is usually unnecessary for
sequences of viewing positions. All designs incorporate
the administration area or the technical library to be
recessed entrances and exits and locate common-use
close to the shop area, these two elements are located
elements at these points. Corridors are widened at
on one side of the school, and the shops on the other.
circulation nodes and crossways are glazed to provide
In all cases, the technical library, because it is
views of landscaping and vistas.
dedicated space and performs a unique and
independent function, is separated from other
(2) Spaces are organized so as to result in compact
functional elements.
facilities. For efficiency of circulation and conservation
of heating and cooling energy, the form of the
(3) The spaces are organized to allow direct, efficient
individual buildings and of the total facility has been
circulation with minimal disruption of intermediate
designed to be as compact as possible, consistent with
areas. Common use facilities, restrooms, student
functional requirements. All schools have been
lounges, snackbar, reception areas, are centrally
designed with double-loaded corridors (i.e., activity
located. In the case of the 30,000 sq. ft. school, these
areas on both sides of the corridor) so that total
facilities are located near the center of the building; in
school circulation area is held to a minimum.
the other schools, they are located at circulation nodes
or along primary circulation routes. The shops are
(3) All the schools illustrated in this chapter are
located along the periphery of the school so that
designed within the maximum walking distances (see
vehicular traffic enters the shop area from one side
paragraph 5-2a(3)).
pedestrian traffic from the other (see paragraph
(4) Structures are planned for future expansion. As
2-4b(3)(c)). In all the designs which include a shop
building, vehicular and pedestrian traffic is separated
discussed in paragraph 2-4b(2)(i), the designer must
in this manner.
plan for the future expansion of the service school.
Figure 5-11 illustrates one way in which expansion
(4) Noise-generating activities are consolidated and
planning can be accomplished. Based on estimates of
separated from the other activities. Separating the shop
the educational mission and student load at future
building from the rest of the school and placing it
points in time, the school is planned to expand in
along the school's periphery reduces the disruption
three phases. In each phase of construction, the
caused by noise generated in shop areas. (See
existing facility maintains its functional organization
paragraph 5-2b(3)(a)).
and is not significantly affected by construction
activities. For example, there is no overhead vertical
(5) The structures are designed to accommodate the
expansion which could seriously impair instructional
standard classroom module. The structural support
programs on lower floors. Furthermore, each phase is
frame is along the corridor and exterior wall line; the
designed so that upon its completion the school can
interior walls are non-loading-bearing. In addition,
adapt to a new functional organization quickly and
common framing dimensions are employed to the
easily. This is accomplished by expanding each
maximum extent possible. These two structural design
functional element along its periphery in such a way
principles allow for the rapid alteration of spatial
that the total facility maintains a compact form.
configurations to meet changing functional
C. Economy.
(6) Dedicated spaces are held to a minimum and
(1) The designs conform to a 5 foot by 5 foot
planning module. All the designs employ rectangular
planned so that they adjoin common use areas and
other dedicated functions. For example, in Figures 6-3
building forms, modular construction, and common
and 6-4, the large, sloped-floor classrooms are located
framing dimensions, and thus are simple to construct.
Because of this, they can readily make use of off-the-
next to restrooms and major circulation nodes. This
practice consolidates the school's dedicated space and
shelf building system components (see paragraph
permits multi-use spaces to be arranged in bands,
rather than in isolated blocks; this, in turn, maximizes
the flexibility of remaining spaces. For the same
(2) The schools are designed to minimize operating
reason, when two or more sloped-floor classrooms are
costs. All schools are designed as compactly as possible
required, they are located along the same side of the
and are oriented along a North-South axis. This
corridor (see Figure 6-4).
practice minimizes consumption of heating and cooling
energy. Multi-story construction is utilized in the larger