Paragraph 6-6 then discusses the ways in which these
6-1 General
schools exemplify specific design criteria and principles.
Utilities requirements for each school are furnished in
This chapter illustrates the application of the design
paragraph 6-7.
criteria discussed in previous chapters. Four typical
service schools, each having different area
6-2 Illustrative Design for 30,000 Sq. Ft. School
characteristics, have been selected to serve as
This small, classroom-oriented school utilizes single-
story construction. It typifies either an addition to an
A. A 30,000 sq. ft. school whose instruction space is
existing facility or a single independent building. It
entirely devoted to classrooms and labs (see Figure 6-1
contains ten 1500 sq. ft. classroom modules, a large
125-man classroom, and four instructor preparation
spaces. The student lounge and the restrooms are
B. A 150,000 sq. ft. school whose ratio of
centrally located, as is the administration area. The
classroom/lab space to shop space is 6:1 (see 6-2
administration area occupies approximately 10% of the
total functional space.
C. A 150,000 sq. ft. school whose ratio of
classroom/lab space to shop space is 1:4 (see Figure
6-3 Illustrative Design for 150,000 Sq. Ft. School
6-3 below).
(Classroom/Shop Ratio, 6:1)
D. A 400,000 sq. ft. school whose ratio of
Because this school devotes a majority of its space to
classroom/lab space to shop space is 1:1 (see Figure
classroom functions, the facility is designed with a
6-4 below).
two-story classroom building. The administration and
shop areas, which occupy less space, are in single-story
In addition, a plan depicting the expansion of a service
structures. The school contains the full range of service
school in three phases to an ultimate size of 400,000
school activity spaces: administrative areas, classrooms,
sq. ft. is shown in Figure 6-5. This chapter does not
shops, and a technical library. The library is located
prescribe definitive design solutions; rather it uses
adjacent to those administrative elements which it most
frequently serves. For ready access, support spaces
the criteria contained in this manual may be applied.
such as the reception area, the student lounge, the
snackbar, and restrooms are located at circulation
In paragraphs 6-2 through 6-5 each school is briefly
nodes or along primary circulation routes.
described and its characteristic features noted.
A Administration
B Classroom/Labs
C Large Conference Classroom
D Instructor Preparation
Description: Instruction area is totally Conference/Lab
E Restrooms
Space. Single-story Building.
F Student Lounge
Refer to Section 6-7.
Figure 6-1
Illustrative Plan, 30,000 Sq. Ft. School.