DG 1110-3-106
quantitative rating of conformity to requirements
accomplishment of the entire project should be
should be developed for each functional activity. Low
considered urgent. Such projects will require immediate
rating, nonconforming, or exceptional conditions must
authorization under the proper military construction
be documented as being below a prescribed standard.
program. Field inspection indicates the need for some
For example, the general characteristics and specific
upgrading in almost all service schools. Even relatively
functions of current operations can be described in
small activities usually have special mission-peculiar
terms of their relative conformity on a sliding scale
requirements that are not met or that may need
between 0 and 10, where 10 would show the highest
improvement. Generally, when low ratings are analyzed
rating of conformity and 0 would show
in terms of the physical character of facilities, the poor
nonconformity. However, where minimum standards
condition of existing temporary-type facilities will
are set by Army engineering and construction
usually require an upgrade strategy involving either
regulations, the minimum standard will be scaled at 5;
conversion of existing permanent facilities or
0 to 4 will be below standard and 6 to 10 above
construction of new facilities. Paragraph 7-2c below
standard. Whole increments will be scaled at 10
discusses the impact that the physical character of
percent above or below standard, 50 percent below
facilities has on choosing a proper upgrade strategy.
standard will be zero (0), and 50 percent above will be
ten (10). Specific features with performance standards
C. Physical Character of Facilities.
should be rated. A general rating should be done for
Table 7-3 shows upgrading potentials related to the
each functional indicator listed in Table 7-1.
field conditions. The most important physical factor is
the type of construction housing current operations.
(2) Format.
Table 7-2 shows a graphic format that can be used to
Where temporary construction is greatly deteriorated or
deficient such that functional deficiencies are increased
apply the general method for rating existing
or cannot be corrected, complete relocation would be a
operations. Using Table 7-1 as a guide, an aggregate
rating can be achieved by applying the following
proper physical development strategy. This might
require either converting existing facilities or building
qualifications to the rating for each indicator: fair, 6
new ones; in some cases, a combination of both might
or 5; poor, 4 or 3; and very poor, 2 or 1. The rating
for each indicator listed in Table 7-1 is then multiplied
be needed. When the scale of operation is very large
by the number indicating importance immediately
and the amount of converted space is less than half
following the indicators. This number represents the
the total space required, totally new construction may
relative importance of each characteristic in terms of
be appropriate. Table 7-3 lists other construction
overall operational effectiveness. The first three
classifications and existing conditions as alternate
upgrading approaches. The appropriateness of each
indicators have the most impact on Army service
option will be determined by project requirements and
school operations, the second two are important for
individual activities, and the last two are only generally
activities requiring upgrade. In Table 7-3, the location
important to overall operational effectiveness.
of each example facility is considered to be either the
Aggregate ratings will usually fall into the following
categories: excellent ratings will be above 125, good
most desirable or at least suitable in terms of
ratings will be between 105 and 125; fair, between 75
maintaining effective service school operations.
and 105; poor, between 45 and 75; and very poor,
below 45.
D. Project Desirability.
Table 7-4 shows the comparative levels of project
(3) Factors Affecting Project Urgency.
development required either to modernize and improve
The project's urgency will depend on the scale and
existing facilities or to build new facilities for Army
service school operations having similar staff and space
complexity of operations, the geographical field of
needs. The actual cost of new or improved facilities
operation, and the mission-peculiar requirements of
each activity. However, such factors are not easily
must be set according to procedures in AR 415-17.
quantified; they must therefore be considered on a
The desirability of individual rehabilitation/conversion
project-by-project basis. They should be evaluated with
projects will depend on factors affecting future needs,
especially long-range physical development (see
the rating of the indicators listed in Table 7-1 to
paragraph 7-3a below). In general, the initial estimate
properly determine a project's urgency. Ratings in
Table 7-2 that show a low degree of conformity to
of the need for upgrade should be based on a review
functional and operational requirements should be
of an organization's existing and projected operations
given high priority for project accomplishment. In
and functional objectives. Project desirability should be
general, a conformity rating of below 4 for each
determined by the organizational and functional
requirements given in Chapters 2, 3, and 4. The
indicator will usually be enough to show a need for
guidelines contained in Table 7-4 are for illustration
considering urgent construction. When the individual
rating of conformity for factors a, b, or c is 9 or less,
only. Preliminary estimates should describe costs in