Design Guide: Band Training Facilities
B. 65 person new construction example
Individual Practice Rooms should accommodate an upright
piano, in addition to personnel.
q Provide at least one chair and music stand in Small
Individual Practice Rooms, and three in Large.
q Silent-type wall clock required.
F. Technical Recommendations
All of the technical recommendations in 4-2.F, for Main
Rehearsal Rooms, apply to Individual Practice Rooms,
with the following modifications:
q Use fully gasketed doors, or proprietary acoustical doors
rated STC 35.
Small interior windows or viewing ports (up to 1 sq. ft.)
need not be double-glazed.
q Double masonry walls between adjacent practice rooms
may be prohibitively expensive. See 5-2.A for alternatives.
C. 45 person renovation example
noise level of NC-35.