Design Guide: Band Training Facilities
General Design Programming
March 1983
Figure 3-11. Space-to-Space Relationships
general, an STC of 70 requires very sophisticated construc-
up to 25 decibels is acceptable. If the rehearsal space is
tion, possibly two parallel, unconnected masonry walls.
placed directly next to the Large Group Practice Room,
Therefore, the best course is to organize the function-spaces
which might generate 95 decibels, the construction between
of the building so that noise generators such as music
them ideally should reduce the sound by 70 decibels,
practice rooms and mechanical rooms are not next to other
requiring an STC rating of 70. Specific constructions and
music rooms. Quieter activities such as corridors, offices
their STC ratings are discussed in Chapter 5; but, in
and storage should be used as buffers between noisy
*NC curves, describing sound level as a function of frequency,
and constructions can be simpler.
embody both speech interference and annoyance considerations.
The numbers represent decibles and have a built-in allowance
The recommended criteria for Band Training Facilities
for increased low-frequency noise to which our ears are less
are found in Table 3-1. These criteria do not imply silence.
sensitive. For details, see the Sound and Vibration Control
They range from a rather quiet NC-25 to a moderately
Chapter, ASHRAE Systems Volume.