Design Guide: Band Training Facilities
General Design Programming
March 1983
Figure 3-8. Public and Private Zones
especially close to the Individual Practice Rooms, Day
cent to the Individual Instrument Lockers area, and have
Area, and Toilets/Lockers/Showers. They must be over-
direct access to the Outdoor Patio.
seen by the CQ.
7. Toilets/Lockers/Showers. These support spaces
6. Day Area. This relaxation space should be private and
should have convenient access from all parts of the facility.
protected (see Subparagraph 3-4.B), but under some
While closeness to the Individual Instrument Lockers is
supervision from the CQ desk (3-4.D). It should be adja-
desirable, access to the toilets should be possible from the