UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
1-5.2.12 Preparing a draft of specification \ Section 00 80 00.00 06 /2/ for the use of
the constructing entity, and reviewing and commenting on the remainder of the "front-
end" specifications. \ Specification section available at the USACE Louisvill District
Web-Ste. /2/
1-5.2.13 Complete coordination of A/E discipline interfaces, and checking for
architectural, structural, HVAC, electrical, plumbing and fire protection conflicts.
1-5.2.14 Preparing a submittal register for inclusion in the specifications, coordinated
with the construction entity.
The USAR Support Installation is responsible for the following:
Providing the Design Agency with as-built drawings of existing construction.
1-5.3.2 For alteration projects, providing a copy of all outstanding maintenance and
repair work orders.
Providing a copy of the current Full Facility Assessment.
1-5.3.4 Providing a condition survey for any existing facilities affected by the
proposed work, along with a list of any red or amber conditions noted in the Installation
Status Report.
1-5.3.5 Reviewing and commenting on Design Agency submittals, and providing input
to the Design Agency as requested.
1-5.3.6 Ensuring that any required real estate purchase is accomplished in a timely
1-5.3.7 Providing a threat assessment that identifies the level of risk for the facility to
be designed.
1-5.3.8 If real estate was purchased for the project, providing a copy of the Real
Estate Planning Report (REPR) and any Engineering Feasibility Study done during the
real estate acquisition.
1-5.3.9 Performing any required environmental investigations, and preparing any
required environmental documentation, such as environmental baseline surveys (EBS)
and/or environmental assessments (EA). The USAR Installation may contract with the
Design Agency or design team for performance of these tasks.