UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
energy efficient and esthetically pleasing building. Design concepts must evolve in a
multidisciplinary manner with regard to architectural, civil, structural, electrical and
mechanical systems.
In evaluating the cost impact of design decisions, the designer will consider
the life cycle cost effectiveness, not just the initial cost.
Design/Bid/Build Delivery Process: The majority of USAR facility projects are
delivered through the design/bid/build (D/B/B) process. The Design Agency prepares a
comprehensive and detailed set of construction documents; interested construction
contractors use these documents to prepare competitive "hard" bids for Government
evaluation; and the qualified bidder with the lowest proposed construction price is
awarded the contract for construction at the proposed price.
1-8.1.2 Under the D/B/B delivery method it is critical that the Design Agency provides
construction documents that clearly define all construction requirements, so that the
Using Service gets the benefit of best possible bids. No issues should remain vague or
be left in a state to be resolved during construction; this could result in differing
assumptions among bidders, bid protests and contractor claims for price increases
during construction.
1-8.1.3 The designer must also keep in mind that bidders are not required to visit the
construction site prior to bidding. The construction documents must allow for preparation
of bids without the necessity of a site visit. Any items identified as options to the base
bid must likewise be fully defined. Both the base bid condition and the option condition
must be adequately illustrated, detailed and specified.
Design/Build Delivery Process: Some USAR projects may be delivered
through a design/build (D/B) process. Under this delivery method the Design Agency
develops a D/B Request for Proposal (RFP) solicitation package. Interested D/B teams
respond with statements of qualifications as well as their proposed construction price.
The proposals are evaluated on price, qualifications, and other items or information
requested in the RFP. The highest-ranked proposing team is awarded a contract to
complete the project design and perform the construction.
Figure 1-6
The Using Service, the USAR Installation, and the
Design Agency must determine the scope and content of the D/B
Parks, California
RFP. The goal is to provide sufficient project information and
criteria to ensure that the resulting facility will meet standard
USAR requirements for quality, functionality, performance and
esthetics. The facility program and USAR standards must be
defined, and specific Tenant requirements identified.
Qualifications for selection must be described, along with design
completion requirements and submittals.