UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
3-13.1.3 Distribution System
Pipe and duct insulation.
New or replacement steam traps.
Adjustable flow rates on fans and pumps to carefully match load.
3-13.1.4 HVAC Equipment
System zones based on the Tenant profile of the building.
High-efficiency boilers, furnaces and unit heaters.
Multiple boilers for better part load efficiencies.
Waste heat recovery devices.
High-efficiency air conditioning equipment.
Time clocks and setback thermostats.
Low leakage dampers.
High-efficiency filters to reduce ventilation and power usage.
Computer-based energy management systems.
3-13.1.5 Domestic Hot Water
Insulated water heaters and storage tanks.
Water conserving fixtures.
Time clocks on water heaters.
Waste heat recovery for water heating.
Separate water heaters for kitchen and toilets.
3-13.1.6 Lighting
Decreased light levels in noncritical areas.
More efficient fixtures, and better lenses.
Task lighting.
Switching to allow for more individual control in unoccupied areas or
naturally lit areas.
High-efficiency exterior lighting with time clock or photocell control.
Daylighting where possible in conjunction with light fixtures with dimming
USAR-specific AT/FP criteria, applicable to the Interim AT/FP criteria
document, defines the assembly hall or an auditorium as a "primary gathering structure
or area," where more than 50 people gather in one space. Training centers, DS/GS
maintenance shops, and aviation support facilities are defined as "inhabited structures,"
with a density of more than one person per 400 sf (37 sq m). OMS, AMSA, unheated
storage and warehouse buildings all have a density of less than one person per 400 sf
(37 sq m), and are defined as "uninhabited structures." No USAR-specific AT/FP criteria
has been issued which correlates to UFC 4-010-01, as of the date of publication of this