UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
All building entrances and POV areas should be accessible to accommodate
visitors and civilian employees.
Provide accessible parking spaces in accordance with ADAAG and UFAS.
Non-contaminated Site Issues
Figure 3-14
3-16.1.1 Wetlands
USARC, Arden
Hills, Minnesota
The site topographic survey should include
delineation and survey the limits of wetlands identified on the
site, if any. The first consideration is to avoid wetland areas and
to direct on-site drainage to storm water treatment or storage
ponds prior to discharge into wetlands. In addition to meeting
Federal regulations regarding wetlands, it is recommended that
designer coordinate with State and local agencies with water
resource/wetland jurisdiction. The RRC and COE District Office
should be consulted for points of contact with such agencies.
3- If the area of wetlands impacted is over the regulatory maximum, wetland
mitigation will be accomplished according to the standards of the local or state water
resources agency. The site size may not have sufficient area to accommodate wetland
mitigation. Off-site mitigation or purchase of wetland mitigation credits from established
wetland mitigation banks may be required, but should be avoided if possible due to
associated costs and complications of off-site work.
3-16.1.2 Noise and Air.
3- Any noise and air impacts identified from the Environmental Assessment
which require mitigation or permitting will be incorporated into the design. Typical
emissions from a site might include boilers and other equipment that emit heat, fumes
or particles.
3- Typically, site locations are in areas which permit commercial or industrial
type uses with corresponding noise and air quality standards. The general layout of the
site should consider locating areas of concentrated vehicle operations and associated
noise away from neighboring properties for which noise may be an issue.
3-16.1.3 Traffic Safety
3- As outlined in Section 3-2, coordination with local roadway agencies and
implementation of DOT recommended roadway geometrics will accommodate a majority
of the site traffic safety needs. The roadway agency may dictate control devices such as