UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
The individual space design criteria and information in this Chapter reflects
typical guidance on usage and code compliance; the Design Agency should verify that it
meets the Tenants needs and complies with the specific code and other requirements
of their project.
This Chapter delineates the functional and environmental requirements for
most individual spaces within the training center and maintenance buildings. Not all
projects include all of the spaces, nor are all of the possible types of spaces included in
this Design Guide. Specific information regarding the types and sizes of spaces
authorized are determined by the project documents. The Using Service will supplement
the information herein at the initial design conference.
The space sizes noted below reflect current USAR authorizations for the
spaces. The Using Service will provide the actual authorized area for each space in the
project documents, and where there are differences between the areas in this Guide
and the project documents, the project documents govern. Since the Government
building authorization includes an allowance for structure, these are assumed to be net
space authorizations. The Design Agency should endeavor to match the design to the
authorized spaces, but it is acceptable for actual area of any space to vary from the
authorization by plus or minus 10%, except for the assembly hall, which cannot be
larger than authorized.
The spaces listed in this Chapter are those common to most USAR units and
facilities. There are additional spaces which are authorized only for certain types of
Reserve Units. Information on the spaces, and their authorized area, can be found in
AR 140-483.
Occasionally, the Tenants will identify what they believe is a requirement for a
space or function that is not in the project authorization documents. When such a
requirement is approved by the Using Service, the space to accommodate must come
"out of hide;" the Design Agency must borrow the necessary space from other spaces.
One example of such a space is a photo identification room for making facility or
installation identification cards for the Tenants and their dependents.
All locksets should be mortise-type; functions are shown by specific space
\ Specify one individual trash receptacle for each private, shared and unit
common workstations. Specify large trash receptacles with lids for assembly hall, break
rooms, classrooms, library, physical readiness training and showers. Large trash