UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
stop signs and other roadway design features at access points.
3- If the size of the site and its interior site traffic circulation is substantial,
consider designing traffic control signs such as stop signs, pedestrian crossing warning
signs, pavement markings, directional signs, information signs, and speed limits to
provide safe traffic control and eliminate confusing traffic patterns on the site.
3-16.1.4 Groundwater
3- Groundwater is not a substantial issue on most sites; however, some sites
may have shallow groundwater tables which may affect the methodology of
construction, and require measures such as temporary dewatering to install items such
as deep utilities and foundations. The contractor will be required to obtain the necessary
state and local permits for dewatering operations and to control its appropriation and
discharge. Items such as French drains or infiltration wells should not be used.
3- Other site uses such as wash racks and refueling points, which may
introduce contaminants to the groundwater, must be controlled to contain potential
releases of contaminants, and the design must address the control measures.
3- If the site is near a municipal well, wellhead protection provisions may be
in effect. The utility or well owner will be contacted regarding these provisions. Wellhead
protection provisions may also be required by state rules in some locations.
3-16.1.5 Water Quality
3- Surface water runoff quality is addressed in Section 3-2.1 above. Facilities
which could affect the quality of runoff water, such as wash racks and fueling stations,
will be connected to a local sanitary sewer through on-site oil/water separators and/or
mechanical water/contaminant separators.
3- Exterior connected drains to sanitary sewers shall be under roofed areas
or contain valves to control discharge into the sewer. Containment areas may also be
for its control prior to being safely collected and removed and disposed of by hazardous
material teams or contractors.
3-16.1.6. Temporary Construction Impacts
3- Temporary erosion and sediment control requirements are addressed in
Section 3-2.1.3 above. Other requirements may include use of flagpersons and/or
special control signs during site construction, for access to the site and on-site routing of
construction traffic.
3- Fugitive dust from construction shall be controlled by use of application of
water or dust retardant chemicals to earthwork areas. Air omissions and noise due to
construction are recognized as temporary environmental impacts and generally do not